Monday, February 22, 2010

Sermon: The First Sunday in Lent

Yes, Satan came to tempt Jesus - but what the story is really about is how Jesus prepared for that encounter. And when we emulate Jesus' spiritual preparation we too can face anything without flinching.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Sermon: Ash Wednesday

Lent is a time for us to remember and recapture the spiritual disciplines that Jesus expected his followers to use to forge an authentic relationship with God.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Sermon: The Last Sunday of Epiphany

When Moses came down from the mountaintop after an amazing experience of the Presence of God he was a totally changed man. When Peter came down from the mountaintop after an amazing experience of the Presence of God. . . he wanted to take a nap.

Which would you like to emulate?

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Sermon: Instructed Eucharist

Why do we worship? Why do we worship the way we do? What is the foundation of our worshiping style in the Episcopal Church? Answers to these and more questions are in the attached mp3!

The Sunday Forum: Heresy 101 - Gnosticism

The first of the ancient church heresies we looked at was Gnosticism. Made popular by many recent books and movies, including The DaVinci Code, Gnosticism is based on the belief that there is some 'secret knowledge' out there. Which sounds interesting. . . until you hear what some of the knowledge actually is. . .

Click on the link above to hear the 30 minute class, and then join us this Sunday in Post Chapel from 9:15-9:45 to hear about the ancient heresy of Marcionism!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Sermon: The Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany

First Corinthians 13 is beautiful, well-known, and about so much more than just a nice reading for a wedding. It's about the Christian life, Christian discipleship, and maturing in the full faith of Jesus.

And, the audio quality here is so awful. Sorry, there was a malfunction somewhere, and we'll get it fixed for next week. . .